About me...
Yoga felt like an incredible lifeline of support during an incredibly difficult time. I was never one to prioritize fitness or mental health, but I embarked on my journey to learn more about yoga, past the physical benefits, and received an incredible blessing for myself + my entire family. I was desiring to find more peace and love—for my body, mind, and soul. Yoga has given me the ability to believe that I have the right to be exactly who I am, making me more available to myself and others, which is something that has impacted every aspect of my life. When I’m not practicing yoga, I devote my time to my supportive husband, Ty and 3 children and their activities. It has been an honor to have my family witness me become more confident, competent, and strong. I will be forever grateful. Among many things, my practice has taught me to be gentle with my soul. Patient with my growth. And kind to my mind.